Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Year Down Yonder

Author: Richard Peck
Publishing:  Penguin Group
Number of Pages: Paperback—130 pages
Genre:  Historical Fiction
Reading Level:  Ages 9-12
Summary: This book is about a girl named Mary Alice who lives during the great depression.  The times are tough so she is sent to live with her Grandma, taking her cat Bootsie and her radio.  On the very day that she arrives her grandma drags her off to school.  Her first day of school she meets the local bully, Mildred Burdick.  Mildred demands that Mary Alice give her a dollar and she even follows her home to get it.  When she gets home grandma plays a trick on Mildred, releasing her horse with her shoes attached to it, so Mildred is forced to walk home barefoot and that is the last time that Mary Alice has any problems with her.  On Halloween grandma and Mary Alice play a trick on a couple of boys who come to play a trick on them.  At the school Halloween party, Grandma makes homemade pies from pecans and pumpkins that she “borrowed” from some neighbors.  Later, there is Armistice Day and grandma is in charge of collecting the money for the stew that was made, she charges lots of money to those who are rich and little (or no) money to those who are poor.  The money that is raised goes to Mrs. Abernathy and her injured son.  At Christmas, the school puts on the nativity with Mary Alice as Mary.  When the show has barely started a live baby shows up as Baby Jesus and grandma declares that it’s a Burdick.  Mary Alice’s brother also shows up for a visit after grandma bought a ticket for him.  A new boy arrives at school and Mary Alice tricks popular Carlene into believing that the new boy, Royce McNabb, has a crush on her friend Ina-Rae.  Grandma continues making trouble as she hosts the tea for the Daughters of the American Revolution and as she takes in a New York artist into her home.  There is a tornado in the town, which shakes things up a bit.  Then at the end of the school year Royce and Mary Alice promise to exchange letters.  At the end of the book Mary Alice and Royce McNabb get married on Grandma’s front porch.

My Reaction to the Book:  I thought that this was a very good book.  It is very well written and it is both entertaining and fun to read.  I think that children would really enjoy the events that take place in this book; I know that I did!

Potential Problems:  For the most part this was a problem free book, but there is problems with a bully also there is Grandma who is very much herself and tends to stir up some problems every now and then.

Recommendations:  I think I would recommend this book to anyone, it is a good, fun read and I think children would really enjoy it.

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