Tuesday, March 29, 2011

King Midas and the Golden Touch

Author: Al Perkins
Publishing: Random House Books
Number of Pages: Hardcover—62 pages
Genre:  Picture Book
Reading Level:  Ages 4-8
Summary: This book is about a King named King Midas.  It starts off telling about how King Midas absolutely loves gold:  he sleeps on gold, eats off of gold, and has goldsmiths to make him more things out of gold.  Everyday the King goes out and searches for gold and brings back whatever he can find.  Then he would take that gold into a room that was full of gold.  Everyday he would lock himself in with his gold and say how much he loves it.  Then one day he finds a little man in his room full of gold and the man tells him that he can grant him a wish.  The king wishes that everything he touches will turn to gold so the man grants him that wish.  He tested it out and his pet bird turned to gold—and then his clothes.  He runs around touching everything and making it turn to gold.  When he sits down to breakfast though everything he touches turns to gold so he cannot eat anything.  He found that he could not do anything because everything he touched turned to gold.  This made all of the servant’s run away because no one wanted to be in a palace like that.  His daughter tried to comfort him but when he touched her she too turned to gold.  The King sat in his palace for days, just looking at everything that had turned to gold—including his daughter.  Then the little man appeared back and granted him one more wish.  After this he was able to turn everything back from gold.  Then in the end the king and his daughter sit down to dinner and it is the happiest breakfast that they ever had.

My Reaction to the Book:  I thought that this was a super cute book.  I had never read it before but someone recommended it to me and I really liked it.  It has a great lesson in it of being happy with what you have and not being greedy. 

Potential Problems:  The king turns his own daughter into gold, which could be a problem for some.  Also the issue of the king being so greedy could be a problem. 

Recommendations:  I would recommend this book to kids because it is such a great story and it is just a lot of fun to read.  The pictures are not that great but they are decent and they get the story across nicely.

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