Saturday, February 12, 2011

No, David

Author: David Shannon
Publishing:  Blue Sky Press
Number of Pages: Hardcover—32 pages
Genre:  Picture Book
Reading Level:  Baby-Preschool
Summary: This book is about a little boy named David who is always getting in trouble.  It starts off with David writing on the wall and his mom saying “No, David!”  Then it shows David trying to get cookies, and walking through the house with muddy shoes, and flooding the bathroom, and every time David’s mom yells, “no David!”  It then continues on with David running down the road naked, and banging on pans, and eating a bunch of food, finally David’s mom sends him to his room.  But then David just continues to be naughty, he jumps on the bed, picks his nose, makes a big mess, plays baseball in the house, breaks a vase, and then he gets sent to the corner.  David gets sad and then his mom tells him that he loves him.  And that’s how the story ends.

My Reaction to the Book:  I did not like this book at all.  I think it is just a very negative book and a poor example of parents. 

Potential Problems:  David is constantly being told “No.”  He is a naughty boy and is always making a mess or breaking things.  There is one picture where he is running naked down the sidewalk so you see his backside without any clothes on.  This is a bad example for kids.

Recommendations:  I would definitely not recommend this book to anyone; it’s just not worth reading and it is very negative.

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