Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Wanderings of Odysseus

Author: Rosemary Sutcliff
Publishing:  Laurel Leaf Books
Number of Pages:  Paperback—131 pages
Genre:  Traditional Literature—Myths
Reading Level:  Ages 9-12
Summary:  At the beginning of the book we learn that Odysseus and his people on his ship set sail to destroy Troy.  It is destroyed but the journey has only just started for Odysseus.  He encounters the Cyclops where he is forced to blind him and then this puts Poseidon against him which only worsens his travels.  He encounters the Lord of the Winds, an Enchantress, and he travels to the Land of the Dead.  He meets the king’s daughter and participates in the Phaeacian games.  Finally he is able to return to his home—Ithica, but only to have to disguise himself as a beggar until he is able to slay all of the suitors in his home.  After many dangers that are set before Odysseus, in the end he is finally able to be home, safe, and with his family.

My Reaction to the Book:  I thought that this book was okay.  It’s not really my type of book—I thought that it was kind of boring.  It did give all the facts though of Odysseus’s travels which was really good to know.  But overall, I definitely didn’t love it.

Potential Problems:  It tells the stories and travels of Odysseus and some of them are kind of gruesome and disturbing.  A lot of people are killed throughout the book so this could cause some problems among children.

Recommendations:  I don’t think I would recommend this book to anyone, maybe if someone was required to read the book then this may be a good option because it gives the facts and is a decently easy read.

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